Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What Exactly Am I Trying To Figure Out?

I am 29 years old, currently enjoying my last day being 29.

This is the last day of my twenties, a decade in which I experienced events, emotions, etc that are "typical" of that decade in most people's lives. I should probably be freaking out right now, I'm not. I should probably be lamenting something that I am letting go of, I'm not.

To be honest my main concern with turning the big 3-0 is that I don't feel at all like the adult people associate that specific number with. I spent many years prior to this feeling inferior to my age. Missing certain milestones that were associated with numbers and then beating myself up about it. The thing that I learned in the last few years is the dirty little secret that no one tells you. You only feel like an adult in the weirdest of times. I remember turning 26 and thinking "I'm really immature for my age" but what I was really saying was that I just didn't act like the preconceived notion of how someone that age should be acting. That's when I started feeling and noticing changes. Feeling like an adult in certain situations but it never was something that was looming over my head.

I don't feel like an adult when I pay my rent but I feel like one when I yell at my sister to put on her seat belt. Nor do I feel like an adult when I leave my "9-5" job but I do feel like one when I choose to stay in on a "school night."

This blog was suppose to reflect on how to become an adult, but the wonderful truth is that there is no way to become one, you just are. Whoever said "you can't be a kid forever" lied, you most definitely can but why would you want to? I think that I am looking for a happy medium, I want to keep the optimism in being young combined with the confidence that comes from having been around the block a few times. This is MY definition of "adultescence" and this is where I will show you guys how I'm doing.

On that note I would like to say goodbye to my 20's, you were good to me, but I feel like there is much more in store!

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