Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Am I an Adult yet?

Maybe it was because I had worked really long hours this summer or maybe it was because I hadn't slept well or maybe I was about to get my period, maybe it was all of the above. All I knew was that it was the third time that week I had left work late and had cried while driving home. We all have that moment right, where things aren't going right and you begin to reflect on your life and your current situation and you cry. God I hope we all have those moments.

During this particular cry session, I realized was that I am 28 and a mess. I had bad credit, little to no savings, my car was falling apart, my apartment was a mess, I had gained more weight  and most of all I was working so much that I left very little time for my family, friends and least of all myself.  Was this what adulthood looked like?  One thing was for sure, I needed to stop crying while driving 70 mph on the freeway, my mascara was starting to burn my eyes (what’s up with that?).

Since then I've asked myself what’s an adult? Does being an adult mean having stellar A+ credit, owning a house, having a clean home, being married, having a kid, being healthy (do I need to memorize the food pyramid… is it even a pyramid anymore?), feeling put together, having a 401k, having a savings account, having a work life balance, hanging with family and friends and having hobbies?  

Part of me wants to throw the middle finger up and say to hell with it, I am who I am (a crying commuter with bad credit) and things will work out when I turn 30! Because side note, I always imagined that when I turn 30, there would be a fairy god mother or something and I would magically feel put together and dress age appropriate. What I’m learning is that in order for that magical moment to happen I have to take steps to make it happen.

So this is where I am, currently working to make myself a better version of the adult I am (or think I am). There’s a whole journey I’m about to take, and I’m sure it will be boring and lame but I’ll be documenting it on the World Wide Web anyway. 

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