Thursday, November 7, 2013

You Are What You Listen To, Right?

It is no surprise that most people believe there is a direct correlation between their musical taste and how they identify themselves. You are what you listen to to right? We judge someone's music collection with a close eye, basing a lot of how we see them through what they keep hidden in their IPod.

Indie Rock? Hipster
Pop Music? Woo girl
Electric Drum and Bass? Douche

Okay, I was kidding about the last one but it would be ridiculous for me to not think that some of these "stereotypes" (if I can call them that?) about music aren't true. Especially when in Western society we hold our music taste in such high regard. There is that famous Nick Hornby quote that has been re-blogged a million times on Tumblr, maybe you are familiar with it.....

“It's no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently or if your favorite films wouldn't even speak to each other if they met at a party."

But let's be honest there are definitely some skeletons in your musical closet, especially when you are younger and still trying to figure out who you are. What if you relationship partner came face to face with that N'SYNC single you purchased when you were 13? One of my favorite things to do is discover people's "guilty pleasures" especially those that they had while growing up. While you were just discovering music, what you loved and what you hated. The stories behind certain purchases are sometimes even better than the albums. So with out stalling any longer I would like to introduce to you our very first V-Log, where we explore just that. Going into our music "vault" and seeing what we came up with. Hope you enjoy laughing at us as much as we enjoyed laughing at each other.

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