Monday, February 24, 2014

Mixtape Mondays: A Love Letter to Reality Bites

I remember the first time I saw "Reality Bites," well in all honesty I don't remember how old I was or where I was exactly but I do remember the feeling it gave me. The feeling I felt more specifically in the scene at the gas station which at my young age was the one that resonated with me the most. Completely oblivious of the fact that they were majorly stoned at the time, I loved the moment when Janeane Garofalo, Winona Ryder, and Steve Zahn are so compelled to dance to "My Sharona" that they ask the attendant to turn up the music and proceed to jump around like idiots. This is what I thought my twenties were going to be like, not literally smoking out and dancing like idiots which I'm sure is how a lot of people spent their twenties, but just being so enthralled in having fun with your friends that you don't care who sees. Now that I'm thirty I look back at how the movie spoke to me in different ways. "I'm not going to work at the Gap" was also a line that I often quoted and not just because I worked there but because I understood how judged Janeane felt at that moment. This movie gave me a different point of view about being an adult that maybe my parents didn't want me to know. Up until then I thought adulthood was house payments and children, I didn't understand that you were allowed to not have it all together for awhile, that you were allowed to figure things out.

With this Mixtape Monday we chose to celebrate its 20th anniversary of this movie compiling songs inspired by the nineties featuring bands like Everclear, The Cranberries, and The Smashing Pumpkins. Come walk down memory lane with us ....

Friday, February 14, 2014

To Tinder or Not To Tinder: Living The Single Life

"Most people are together just so they are not alone. But some people want magic. I think you are one of those people."

I think I should preface this with I am eternally single. I should also stress that I don’t mean this in a "cry and eat ice cream while I watch The Notebook" kind of way but in a "I have a good time with my friends and family; I am still trying to figure it out" kind of way. Still I can't dodge this question, "Don’t you want to meet someone nice? do you always want to be single?" and the answer to this, at the moment is actually I do.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Mixtape Monday - The Valentine’s Day Edition

This week we bring you The Valentine’s Day Edition of Mixtape Monday! Last week we brought you our version of the “Anti” Valentine’s Day mix and this week we bring you the more traditional version. We have so much love to share, we each picked 8 songs.  Featured this week are Band of Horses, Bjork, and Phantom Planet among many more. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Mixtape Monday - Anti-Valentine's Day Edition

This week we are bringing you an "Anti-" Valentine's Day Mix of sorts. Anti in not a very traditional way. The songs we picked talk about unrequited love, break-ups, and heartbreak in a more realistic adult way. Featured on this weeks mix are bands like The Cranberries, Wilco, and The Cure.

Spotify Playlist Link
Tune in next week for a special (proper)Valentine's Day mix.